Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here's the Forward from the second Warriors book, "The Secret at Skull Cave." Want to know more?

    There is a truth to which I have long held, that every legend—every story had, at one time, an event that actually happened at its very core.  It is that truth that gave birth to the story, and through the years telling and retelling it has evolved into the tale we hear today.  If we search through those tales diligently, we can find the core element, the thread of truth that glues it to reality. 
    It is my personal belief that those things that go bump in the night, those elves and leprechauns, those fairies and pixies, those giants and witches and vampires began from an encounter with the supernatural.  We have no photographs of these supernatural beings, but we do have oral confirmation of such things.  I have personally known people who have seen into the dark side of the supernatural.  I have also personally known people who have seen into the  Godly side of the supernatural.  Their descriptions of the supernatural entities always match up.  They each see the same things and they give the same descriptions.  I have only been allowed to actually see into the supernatural once, but I know and trust these people who witnessed “another world” that co-exists with our world and who have shared with me what they have seen on multiple occasions.  They are all men and women of God who have nothing to gain by sharing such experiences.
    Having grown up in a church that believed spiritual things were limited, and that played down the spiritual because they did not wish to appear uneducated, I disregarded most things spiritual as superstition.  Even though I disregarded those spiritual things as ignorance, I yearned for a supernatural experience with a supernatural God.  In my search, I took a wrong turn and ended up becoming involved in the dark side of the supernatural.  It was then I found the supernatural actually did exist, and what I saw frightened me.  It frightened me a lot.  Unfortunately, it also enticed me.      After a life-changing encounter with the multi-dimensional God of the universes, I began a new journey, this time into a supernatural relationship with a supernatural God that took me into spiritual warfare and showed me the unlimited power of grace and salvation that was provided freely by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Some of the supernatural encounters in this book are from my own experiences, some have been embellished to fit the story, some are word for word with only names and places having changed.
    A thread runs through this book.  The thread is the message of the gospel of grace.  This is the same gospel of grace that Paul preached, and in it are the keys to living the Christian life and walking in holiness.  Grace is the main reason I began writing this series of books.  I have a desire to see others set free from religion and legalism.  Jesus came to transform lives, not reform people.  When Christ changes a man, it is an inner change that precipitates a permanent outer metamorphosis (to use the Greek word used in 2 Corinthians 3:18 which describes the change Christ brings about).  It is not something you do, but rather something you believe.  After all, God is a faith God and without faith, it is impossible to please him (Hebrews 11:6).  The gospel of doing negates all faith by putting the onus for performance upon us and denies Christ the sacrifice-earned right to do heart transformation in His believers.
    The true gospel of grace can never be all it was intended to be if it is mixed with the law, for the law speaks of man’s efforts to earn when the very definition of grace is unearned favor.
    Hopefully this book will speak to your inner man and guide you into a greater understanding of grace.  Hopefully you will find companionship with the characters.  Perhaps you will identify with one or more of them and share the solutions they find to their problems.  Perhaps this book will cause you to desire to discover the supernatural God who loves you enough to have given His all to redeem you.  If any of these things prove true, then my mission will have been successful. 
    If none of these things happen for you, if you do not walk away from this book with a different understanding of your relationship with the Savior, please take this one thought with you, for with it you can overcome all things: you are loved, blessed, and favored.  Don’t settle for anything less!

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