Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcome to the new Aleph Tav Publishing Notes!

Just a quick word about us.  Aleph Tav Publishing is a Christian publisher located in Poplarville, Mississippi.  We're all about radical grace and promoting the Gospel that Paul preached...the complete work of Jesus Christ at the cross.  He bought our righteousness, delivered us from the curse of the short, He undid everything the devil did to mankind in the garden of Eden, completely "de-fanging" the old adversary in the process.  Now, we are free to live a "let-go" life without worrying about whether or not we are measuring up to the law, because Jesus, our Savior has redeemed us of all sin, past, present, AND future.  Now, instead of running from God when we mess up, we can run toward Him for assurance, comfort, and love.

We will be posting excerpts from books either in publication or soon to be released!  Check back for some good and inspirational reading,

In His Grace,

The staff at Aleph Tav Publishing.

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